How automated systems raise quality and minimise costs

High-quality output is a critical objective in the industrial sector - it provides your company a critical edge in a demanding marketplace. But how do you increase your output quality and consistency, while spending less in the process?

The answer is automation. Along with raising quality at a lower cost, automated systems can refine your overall process to be more efficient and less-risk prone, while bringing downtime to a minimum.

We are specialists in automated end-of-line packaging equipment that makes production lines more cost-effective, versatile, and valuable. In this blog, we’ll share how our automated solutions help you achieve consistent quality at lower costs.

Automated systems help you stay within budget

Lowering labour costs and staying on budget are top priorities for industrial firms. But therein lies the challenge: manual labour, while very common, can be prohibitively expensive. Aside from the cost of salaries, human error, time limits on worker availability, injuries, and a host of other issues can lead to budget overrun.

Automating your process line can quickly mitigate these problems. One of the fastest improvements is often a reduction in overall operating costs.

For example, consider the costs of two manual labour units, working a 40-hour week at $20/hour. Given 50 work weeks a year and 8% holiday pay, you would spend $7,200 per month on labour. With some of Aurora’s bag and pack palletizing solutions, the same work can be done for less than half that rate, sparing your business tens of thousands of dollars per year.

Such automated units can work continuously after hours and on weekends, without the potentially-costly safety risks that human labourers face. The machines can also last upwards of 20 years, never losing productivity due to illness or injury, ensuring years of stable performance. Your operations can proceed at significant cost savings, with a healthier bottom line.

Automation leads to higher-quality output

Manual labour introduces human error into process lines, hampering efficiency and causing downtime. Labourers also require time off, and often during those hours, production is disrupted. But Aurora’s automated units change that picture. 

Our end-of-line systems are built to ensure excellent results. They never tire, and don't require leave. Automated machines take repetitive and physically-stressful manual labour out of the equation, resulting in predictable, consistent results and zero product damage.

Our palletizing systems yield ‘100% quality, 100% of the time,’ and our high-capacity Fuji Ace Robotic Palletizing Unit is a prime example. Featuring the finest Japanese technology and reliability, this palletizer is capable of up to 1800 cycles per hour and can be programmed to produce perfect stacks every time. 

The palletizer’s advanced controller lets operators choose from a range of stack patterns, pallet types, and product types with ease. Ancillaries such as pallet wrapping, product conveying, and slip sheet dispensing can be quickly integrated. And, our preventive maintenance protocol ensures long-term precision and reliability. 

Automation can turn your process into a sustainable, high-performing engine. Less manual handling of bagged products equals increased output, more uptime, and a higher ROI. 

Investments in automation yield dividends over the long term

Automation is not a temporary fix. With the right support, automation becomes an upgrade that transforms your company and an investment that brings increasing returns.

Aurora’s training and development programmes upskill your staff in the safe, effective operation of our systems for peak performance. Our lifetime support provides constant access to personalised advice and guidance from our factory-trained technicians and experts, whenever you and your personnel need it. 

We also offer annual scheduled maintenance that ensures your process is fully-certified and that your unique critical maintenance needs are fully met. With our reminders and the accurate service records we keep, you’ll have greater confidence in the long-term viability of your new, improved process.

We understand your goal is to make a difference... to innovate in ways that improve your company’s brand equity and delight your customers. Aurora’s world-class equipment and dedicated support will help you realise that vision. 

Premium quality at a lower cost is possible. Automation is the way forward.

If your goal is to lower your costs while raising your product quality, talk to Aurora today.

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