Automation trends: How to stay ahead

Automation is transforming the manufacturing landscape around the world. It is critical for businesses to understand automation trends and how they are reshaping staff roles and processes.

Job roles across the Australasian process industry are already changing. Two per cent of NZ jobs are likely to be automated by the early 2020s — and this will sharply rise to 24 per cent by the mid-2030s, according to PWC report, 'How will automation impact jobs in New Zealand?'.

This shift from manual to automated process allows businesses to up-skill staff for more value-adding roles.  Here are some key automation trends to be prepared for:

1. Embrace speed and efficiency

Automated systems streamline production lines and increase capacity, while maintaining accuracy. These intelligent technologies replace resource-intensive legacy systems and manual production methods.

Many of today’s robotic solutions are connected via the cloud and employ AI and machine learning. Such ‘smart’ systems can anticipate downtime for example and execute tasks with exacting precision, along with communicating with monitoring staff. 

This brings optimised production workflows, better inventory management, and higher-value products. 

Manufacturers using automation enjoy faster, and more reliable output than manual labour and older systems can provide. The result: increased up-time, fewer delays, and a higher ROI out of every asset involved in production. 

2. Implement future-ready solutions

Manufacturers must ensure their process lines are prepared for the future. They must also meet the evolving demands of a tech-savvy, discerning customer base. Automation future-proofs companies in both respects.

Today's automated packaging systems are easily operated via intuitive user interface, and can adjust to many different tasks, lessening the need to procure new systems over time. 

Aurora provides customer service that extends the life of our filling, closing, and palletizing equipment well beyond the point of purchase. We ensure your business stays future-ready with: 

  • Factory-trained engineers and automation technicians
  • On-site servicing, with rapid turnaround options
  • Staff training 
  • Scheduled maintenance

Through personalised maintenance services, we help our customers perform at the highest level well into the future.

3. 'Outsource’ repetitive tasks to robots

Tedious, repetitive tasks are common in manufacturing. These pose inherent risk to human workers, such as stress-related injuries. Output quality also suffers through worker distraction and fatigue. 

Robots effectively address these problems. They streamline production by taking over mundane tasks without the risk. Robots can greatly exceed a ‘human’ sustained pace. The latest innovations yield even more value in terms of intelligent feedback, precision, and remote control. 

A prime example is our Fuji Ace Robotic Palletizer. This energy-efficient system, capable of 24/7 operation, adeptly handles bags, boxes, cases, and many other product types. Stacking patterns and pallet types are easily selected via controller, and sophisticated troubleshooting protocols are built-in. This leads to faster, more accurate stacking and wrapping.

Robots such as the Fuji Ace modernise plants and help companies innovate, by freeing up resources and adding new capabilities. They also raise the ROI of production lines at every step.

4. In-house training for new technologies

When implemented properly, automation increases the value of your staff and encourages retention. 

By investing in training, your workers can become experts in operating and maintaining automated systems. They will be more adept at spotting issues and correcting production bottlenecks, leading to smoother operations and fewer delays. 

Aurora can help you stay ahead of these trends. With our innovative automated process equipment and expert support services, we enhance our customers’ prospects for success in this new technological era.

Automation offers faster and more efficient production, future-proofs your workfloor, unburdens your labour force, and allows you to upskill staff in new technologies. These advantages will take your business to higher levels of productivity than ever before. 

Get in touch with Aurora to learn more about increasing your process line ROI. 

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Automation is transforming the manufacturing landscape around the world. It is critical for businesses to understand automation trends and how they are reshaping staff roles and processes.

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Automation is transforming the manufacturing landscape around the world. It is critical for businesses to understand automation trends and how they are reshaping staff roles and processes.

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Automation is transforming the manufacturing landscape around the world. It is critical for businesses to understand automation trends and how they are reshaping staff roles and processes.

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